The Law of Deterioration (aka the Frog Principal):
If you take a happy, healthy frog and drop him into a pot of boiling water he will immediately jump out. He's likely thinking, "man, a bit too hot. I'm gone!"
If you take a happy, healthy frog and drop him into a pot of nice cool water, put the pot onto the stove and slowly heat the water the frog will likely remain in the pot, enjoying his relaxing soak. Before you know it (or he knows it) the water is rapidly boiling and it's long past time for him to hop out. You've got yourself a nice, boiled frog. Delicious!
I wonder sometimes how often I have become "cooked frog"? How many times have I plopped myself down into a nice pot of moderate water. The water that appears safe and full of truth, but turns out to be a boiling stockpot of anything but. Funny thing, it always appears harmless in the beginning. Just a nice pot of water. And it's never until it's a raging boil of death, that it appear like the bath of lies it is. It's a slow fade.
It's one thing to look back and discover those times when we've hopped into the wrong pot. It's important to look back to determine what it was that drew us into the moderate, yet oh so dangerous, pot. Reflections can help to avoid the situation again.
But what else can we do, to avoid getting into a pot that looks like truth and light, but instead is a pot filled with bubbly lies waiting to rise to the surface and devour?
From Hebrews 2:1 "So we must listen very carefully to the truth we have heard, or we may drift away from it."
i.o.w. - We must know truth. Real Truth. Pay careful and close attention to what Truth is.
I'm afraid there are times that I have relied on truth I've heard from others as "real" truth. Truth from people I know, celebrities with a stage, email stories that forward all over the world. I've listened and thought, "that sounds really good, really truthful. I believe that's accurate. Sounds right to me." And I plop myself down in that truth pot. But, if I measure that truth against the Truth, I quickly find it just can't stand up. The key is, I have to know Truth first and gauge everything else against that stick.
Oh, and it's not easy. If it were, we wouldn't be warned to listen carefully and pay close attention to the truth. It's a tricky world, a world full of pots of moderate water, waiting to boil away our soul.