Friday, July 10, 2009

explained life

***it's been a while.  i'll call it writer's block.  but, i'm back****

"Live a life that demands an explanation."  by Francis Chan

Demands an explanation?  There are really two ways to go with this.  One, reminds me of an American icon who passed recently.  His life, on display for anyone caring to watch, definitely could be unique enough to demand an explanation.  Definitely.
The other brings me back to Revelation chapter 3.  A life devoted solely to the will of God. This kind of life would, in this world at least, be so different it would stand out like, well Michael Jackson.  And it would require an explanation.  Demand it, in fact.  
This life, demanding a reason for it's behavior, would be hot.  Hot!  Nothing lukewarm ever needs to be explained.  Lukewarm is blendy, normal, routine, run-of-the-mill.  Oh, it might have it's slightly "good" qualities.  Deeds enough to show anyone interested that it's not pagan.  But is that what we're after?  Are we called to do a bunch of good deeds in the name impressing all we tell?   In Revelation 3 the church is scolded not because it doesn't do any deeds, but because it's not hot.  I'm sure there were plenty of people serving and "doing".  Checking their box, marking off their time, showing others how much they could contribute to the church.  But hot, not so much, Jesus tells them.  And their good deeds?  Well, the King of Kings was not impressed. And isn't that who we should be caring about?
It's a tough line to walk on.  To read this quote by Francis Chan, I could easily conclude that in order for others to wonder "what's up with her?" I need to "do", "serve", "hang out at the church" and show others that I'm different.  But I think Jesus clears that up in a single short section of scripture in Revelation 3.  He's not looking for our deeds, aimed more at impressing our neighbors than our Lord.  He's looking for us.  He simply wants me.  He wants you.  And when we are talking to Him, listening to Him, devoted to Him, the outpour will inevitably be hot.  And this heat will not be understandable to others.  It may not even be seen in full by others.  For if I'm doing and serving my King, my Lord, my God, why would I need to tell anyone else what I'm doing?  Why would they need to know about the evenings I've spent at the church, the time I've spent serving a needy family, the money I've contributed to causes?  Only the one I serve, my Savior, would ever need to know that.  
The explanation that would be demanded to explain my life would then be the result of my contentment, my joy, my peace, my faith in any circumstance or situation I'm handed.  The explanation cannot be the result of the deeds I make sure everyone knows I'm performing, but in the peace that passes all understanding that radiates from my life. 

1 comment:

Lori said...

wow, how you are echoing the sentiments in my heart!
sometimes I think that as Christians we have it all wrong, in that, we believe that there is a work that would make us more pleasing to God or there is a "flesh-sowing" that would keep us from His love.
how wrong that is!
Jesus already did the work.
it's done.
our time would be best served to remember that and it!
great post, Kim.
great reminder.
