Sunday, July 12, 2009

too comfortable?

It seems to me that the older I get the more I enjoy routine.  Change gets more and more difficult with each passing year.  Our first move when I was an oh, so young 22 year old was much (MUCH) easier than our 7th move at the age of 32.  Seems that in that decade I had accumulated "baggage" that made it harder to make changes.  I would rather at times just stay unchanged and keep the same course.

Because, of course, that path is comfortable, familiar, routine and change is uncomfortable, unfamiliar, unknown.  And I would prefer to "know".  

But what if that comfortable, familiar path is not the right one for me to be on?  What if I'm comfortably journeying down the wrong way.  No one can ever be assured that comfortable is correct.  Sometimes we must be made uncomfortable to see God, to discover His strength, to be amazed by Him. 

1 comment:

Lori said...

does no one else know about this great blog that you have?
I think it deserves some advertising on my blog.
My daughter, Lacey, who is 17, is struggling with her desire to serve in our church, because we are over programmed and that can lend itself to complacency, which she totally recognizes.
I got a book called, "So, you don't want to go to church anymore" for her and she loved it!!!!!
It gave her feelings a voice.
Her voice was saying, " I am discontented."
This book suggests that perhaps God is the one who allows this into our hearts in order to MOVE us in a different direction.
Complacency is the enemy.
You have nailed it, my friend.
Great post!
