Thursday, November 5, 2009

if it pleases...

Do what pleases you, as long as you're not hurting anyone else. What difference does it make? What on earth matter is it of yours anyway? If I feel good about it?

Ever heard this? I have. It's a fairly common thought. And really? Seriously? If what I'm doing is making me happy, behind closed doors in the comfort of my very own home and I'm not hurting anyone else...then why should it matter?

Finally, dear brothers and sisters, we urge you in the name of the Lord Jesus to live in a way that pleases God.  1 Thessalonians 4:1

Did you catch that last little part? Live in a way that pleases God. Even if it pleases me just fine and no one else in the entire world can see, if it doesn't please God, then I'm "urged" not to do it. "Urged" here is just another way of saying "instructed".
 Of course, we can't be responsible for the way that everyone else is living their lives, determining whether they're living to please God or please themselves or please their neighbor or mother or friend or... We can only take responsibility for what we're doing. I can only look into my own life and decide if the way I'm walking is pleasing to God.  (and that's a big enough job, I'd say)
Everything I do, whether in front of a large crowd (as if that ever happens) or completely alone (also, as if that ever happens), should be done only if it pleases God. But what pleases God? I have an aching feeling that the scripture has plenty to say on that. stay tuned...

1 comment:

Lori said...

oui oui mademoiselle(spelling?),
it's that whole idea of transformation-God does the work-we just have to willing....
and, do we ask ourselves the hard questions?
is my walk in the Lord stronger than it was a year ago?
if not...why not?
what is our gauge, our "measuring" device?
our relationships, our bank accounts, our knowledge of scripture, the # of notches in our belts?
it's too easy to take credit for those things...who gets the glory?
GOD DOES THE WORK and before we know...we are more like Him...not desiring the things that we used to desire and we have no idea why....I believe THAT is transformation, which is VERY pleasing to God.
now I AM fired up, my friend.
love that.
