This morning is one of those amazingly bright and beautiful mornings here in Geneva. The sky is endless blue. Not a speck of a cloud in sight. The air is crisp and fresh and clean, with the slightest scent of dew and lilacs. The distant mountains are bright and bold, stretching their tops towards the heavens. It could quite possibly be the most perfect morning.
And yet...
my heart is sore, aching, crying.
My dear, dear friends living on the other side of the Atlantic are in the midst of a devastating tragedy. And with each new morning, there is new pain, new questions, new hurt in their lives. And my heart is broken to pieces for them. Broken and hurting for them knowing they are broken and hurting. I cannot understand. I cannot reason.
And yet...
I am certain that God is holding them, cradling them, weeping with them. I am certain He is in control, even though this tragedy appears completely out-of-control. I know very little, but I know I serve a God of compassion and abounding love. And, as Stacy says, I can pray that beauty is made from these ashes.
I love you, friends and prayers are lifted for you on this beautiful morning from Geneva. I pray for extraordinary peace and comfort for you today and in the days to follow.
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