Thursday, May 28, 2009


So, I guess I have ruffled some feathers...

I think we attempt sometimes, at least I do, to look "normal", to agree with other points of view, to get along, and to not look judgmental.  Because "we" are supposed to be kind, nice, good, non-judgmental people, right?  I mean if someone knows very little about the Bible or Christianity, I could almost bet that they would know that the Bible says "whoever doesn't have any sin cast the first stone" and "be kind to one anther" and "treat others the way you would like to be treated".  Don't be judgmental, don't be mean, always be kind and nice, etc... And yes, these are all Biblical and scriptural.  But it doesn't mean "we" don't speak truth.  

Believe me, I am not judging anyone except myself in these posts.  If you happen to feel like I'm directing my comments at you, I'm not.  Seriously, I have enough work to do on myself, I don't have time to pick and pry at anyone else.  But, I post because it seems to me if I'm learning something or struggling with something, there might be somebody else who's going through the same thing or hung up in the same area.  And perhaps if you're feeling like I'm directing my post at you, you and I are sitting in the same spot of "stuckness".

As to being kind, I think it is extremely unkind, in light of what I believe to be true about eternity, to not speak (or write) truth...Biblical truth.  It may not always seem nice or warm & fuzzy, but I attempt to look at each post biblically.  Sometimes the truth hurts.  Sometimes when I see that my life isn't lined up with the Word of God, it doesn't seem "good" to know that.  Oh, but it is.

Please take what I have to type and look it up for Biblical accuracy.  If you don't believe the Bible to be the inspired Word of God, then you will disagree with nearly all I have to say...that's ok.  I'm not an expert in defending the Bible's accuracy and legitimacy.  There are others that do that much better than I.  Check them out if you like.  
I encourage you though, if you are a follower of Christ to research & examine & determine for yourself what is the truth, what does the Bible say.  And apply what you learn from your time in the scripture and in prayer to your own life.  If you find that I am posting nonsense that is contradictory to the Word of God, please let me know so I can research and examine it further and make appropriate changes in my thinking and way of life accordingly.  Isn't that how the body of Christ should be operating?  

My posts will not all be warm & fuzzy, like Oprah.  I don't think Jesus was warm & fuzzy, I don't see that the Bible is warm & fuzzy and I don't think truth is always warm & fuzzy.  Sometimes it points out something we would rather not know and stings our ego, our pride, our life.  

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