Friday, January 1, 2010

disciples of Christ

Then he said to the crowd, "If any of you wants to be my follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross daily and follow me."  Luke 9:23

Jesus was talking with his disciples about the events that were beginning to unfold.  He spoke of rejection by elders and priests and foretold of his death and resurrection.  He then went on to speak of what was required to be a follower of him.  Jesus, himself, lays down the requirements for being his follower.

As is so often the case in Scripture, we are only given two options to choose from.  Jesus says "if you want to be my follower".  This leaves us with two alternatives.  One, choose to be his follower.  Two, choose not to be his follower.  Simple as that.  There is no third option.  No "kind-of be a follower" box to check.  It is either follow or not follow.  And, unfortunately, my life often reflects my desire to write in a third option - follow enough to appear like a follower, but not enough to look like a freak & make my life uncomfortable.  ouch!

I'm planning to start off the new year looking at following Christ.  Really becoming the follower he asks me to be.  To examine  what he requires of his followers, what it will cost to follow, those who did it well, what he promises those who follow fully.  There is so much to learn, so many areas for growth.  I imagine this to be exciting and life-altering.

A follower of Christ.  A disciple.  Defined by Easton's Bible Dictionary as one "who believes Jesus' doctrine, rests on his sacrifice, imbibes his spirit and imitates his example".  This is what I desire.  To believe, rest, imbibe and imitate.  Let the journey begin.

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