Friday, January 22, 2010

lesson from noah

The word earthquake always tends to direct my focus to Matthew 24:7b where Jesus is telling the disciples about the signs of his return & the end of the world. "There will be famines and earthquakes in many parts of the world".  Earthquakes.  Haiti.  And although I would never dare to say that I think it's coming soon, I would bet that we're closer to his return & the end of this world than we were yesterday.
Something new caught my eye this time though while I read in Matthew 24.  In verse 37, Jesus tells the disciples that the world will be like it was in the time of Noah.  He reminded them that people were partying and enjoying themselves right up until the time Noah got on his boat.  "People didn't realize what was going to happen until the flood came & swept them all away".  I thought of Noah, the only guy (along with his wife & kids) who had any clue as to what was about to happen.
I went way back to Genesis 6 and read the familiar story.  Only this time I was struck by two things that I'd never noticed before.  (ahhhh, a bullet point list *smile*)

  • Noah knew what was going to happen.  He had the inside scoop.  God told Noah the plan.  2 Peter 2:5 says that Noah "warned the world of God's righteous judgment".  But he didn't forget the instructions God gave him & he completed the ark, obeying God's word.  He didn't get off task, he didn't listen to his neighbors who likely laughed at him & told him he was crazy, he didn't read every article written on the subject, he didn't throw an internet poll out to see what other's thought, he didn't come up with his own idea of what God meant.  He heard, he listened, he told, he obeyed.  Like Noah, we have the inside scoop on what's going to happen.  We, too, must hear, listen, tell and obey.  Even if obeying seems completely ridiculous (I'm sure Noah's ark seemed absolutely ridiculous!)
  • Have you ever really paid attention to the construction instructions (say that 10 times fast) given by God to Noah about the ark?  No, me neither.  Honestly, I usually skip over all the cubits & pitch & wood preference & decks &... but this time I read through it.  And I found that  Noah was told to construct a really big boat with no engine or sail and with no way to steer it.  Once Noah (and the fam) climbed onboard, he was at the mercy of God.  He would have no control.  None!  God would take over.  I wonder how often I forget that? (actually I know how often I forget & it's frequently)   God gives me the instructions for my salvation (Jesus), the ransom paid, the debt wiped out, but by climbing "on board", just like Noah, I need to relinquish control.  I need to give up my engine and my rudder and go where God takes this ship.  Harder than it sounds.
"Now learn a lesson from the fig tree.  When its branches bud and its leaves begin to sprout, you know that summer is near.  In the same way, when you see all these things, you can know his return is very near, right at the door."  Matthew 24:32-33

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