Saturday, January 23, 2010

new button for grabs

For anyone who has previously grabbed my button, I have redone it.  If you would be so kind as to grab the new one over there on the right and replace the old one…it would be fantastic.

If you haven't grabbed my button, I'd love it if you would and paste in on your own blog.  Not sure how?  It's easy-peasy.
  1. Simply highlight the text under the button.  
  2. Copy it (right click for PC users, or press cmd & c for us Mac users).  
  3. Go to your blog - "customize" & " layout".  
  4. Click "add a gadget".  
  5. Select the "html" option.  
  6. Paste it in. (again right click for PC's, or cmd & v for us Mac lovers)
  Easy peasy.  And if you want to get super fancy and have a scrolling list of buttons, head on over to my friend, Jamie's blog (six bricks high) for step by by step instructions.
Thanks for stopping by, thanks for grabbing my button, thanks for leaving a comment *hint, hint*

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Got your new button scrolling on my blog! Did you create it yourself? I'm impressed.