Thursday, May 28, 2009


Are you diversified? In my previous life, you know the one before children, I was an accountant.  I could always be certain I was providing excellent financial advise if I advised my client to be diversified.  Put some money in low risk options to ensure safety of principal balances and put some money in higher risk options to maximize returns.  But make sure you don't put all your money in one place, 'cause if that one thing goes down, all your investment bucks go right with it.  And then, well, you're left with nothing.  I would say that diversity is still great advise in today's economy.


But what about spiritually?  Should we be diversified spiritually?  Should we put a bit of our service/loyalty/worship/trust (whatever you'd like to call it) into more than one place?  Our finances perform great when they're spread out amongst different buckets, what about our souls?

As hard as I know I've tried to spread myself out among many different (and very "good ") "buckets", this in neither biblically sound or eternally wise.  It is, however, great for not ruffling feathers and being friends with everyone.  I mean who can be angry with someone who agrees with just about everything (as long as you're not hurting anyone else, of course)?  And it makes you look really "kind" and "friendly" and "nice" too.  (added bonus)    I've tried to put a bit of what I have into the "money/possessions" bucket, some to the "tolerance/politically correct" bucket, some into the "as long as it works for you and you don't hurt anyone" bucket, and, of course, some into the "Jesus" bucket.  
Too bad this isn't Biblical, because getting along with everyone & not looking too "radical" is nice and easy.  But I think, as followers of Jesus Christ, we are asked to put all our "eggs in one basket" (so to speak).

"I am the Way and the truth and the life."
"No one can serve two masters."
"Worship the Lord your God and serve him only."
"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul and all your mind and all your strength"

These don't leave too much wiggle room for diversification.
photo from: ../eggs_basket.jpg

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